Contact centers are, by definition, all about communication. And the richness of the communication has been enhanced immeasurably by the deployment of unified communication and collaboration (UCC) tools with their wide range of features and functionality. That said, firms have not always been able to take full advantage of much needed functionality due to potential compliance concerns which have led some users to switch features off. UC providers are alive to the need from customers and are prioritizing helping by providing more ways to solve recordkeeping and supervision needs - the recent news from Zoomon its approach serves as a positive example on what firms can (and should) expect from their communication and collaboration providers.
Susannah Hammond

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Enforcement Roundup - Regulators Remain Focused on All Aspects of Recordkeeping
What does the fining of a major Wall Street firm for trade surveillance failures, the holding to personal account of the CEO of a UK bank, the impact of cyber security incidents at a pair of broker dealers and another two firms being held accountable for off-channel communications all have in common? They all represent failures of one or more aspects of upstream recordkeeping with the consequent downstream inability to meet compliance obligations.
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FINRA and SEC Set Out Supervisory Expectations on Communications Compliance
2024 isn’t even a month old and already two U.S. regulators have updated their expectations on communications compliance. Firms need to be under no illusions - recordkeeping is, and will remain, a key regulatory focus.
Against a backdrop of $2.6bn+ fines and continuing enforcement action against both firms and individuals, U.S. regulatory expectations on communications compliance are continuing to evolve. Both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have updated their stance, approach and expectations as to good and better practice when it comes to communications compliance. U.S. firms in all sectors of financial services would be well advised to review and consider the updated supervisory approach.
The Failure to Capture Digital Communications Gets Personal
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SEC Exam Priorities for 2024 Focus on Firm’s Ability to Evidence Compliance
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SEC Risk Alert Reiterates Focus on Recordkeeping
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Recordkeeping Enforcement Action Spreads to Brokers, Investment Advisers and Credit Rating Agencies
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Co-author:Matt Lehman, Industry Principal, Financial Services, RingCentral